ORCHARDS is a public health cold and flu study sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and is led by Jonathan Temte, MD PhD, and Shari Barlow at the UW – Department of Family Medicine and Community Health. The purpose of this study is to monitor cold and flu symptoms in pre-k through high school students in the Oregon School District. We look for influenza, SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19, and other respiratory viruses that make kids sick and how these illnesses affect school absences.
Eligibility Criteria
A student may be eligible if they have symptoms consistent with influenza or COVID-like illness, such as:
- Nasal discharge (runny nose)
- Nasal congestion (stuffy nose)
- Sneezing
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Fever
- Loss of taste/smell
A student may be ineligible if…
- They are unable to do a nasal swab sample
- Their illness started more than 7 days ago
- Their last ORCHARDS collection date was less than 7 days ago
How to Participate & What it Involves
1. Call: Parents, or students 18 and older, can call 608-265-3164 to hear more information, go over screening questions, and enroll if eligible. Participation involves all family members in the household collecting three nasal swabs over the course of two weeks.
2. Get supplies: A study coordinator will typically drop off all testing supplies at your front door within 24 hours.
3. Complete nasal swab collection: Families should complete nasal swab collection, refrigerate the samples, and set them outside for contact-free pick up at the scheduled time. Each participating family will receive a $50 gift card with their supplies.
4. Get results: A research coordinator will typically call with PCR results within 48 hours. Result times may vary depending on laboratory capacity.
CALL 608-265-3164 or Email us to see if you and your child can participate!

Meet our team! Carly, Maureen, Sarah, Kelly, Shari, Cecilia, Emily, and Cristalyne.
Rapid Antigen Testing in School Health Offices for Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza A
Feasibility and Functionality of SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Testing in K-12 School Health Offices
Evidence of Early Household Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Involving a School-aged Child
Sequential, within‐season infection with influenza A (H3N2) in a usually healthy vaccinated child
An assessment of parental knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs regarding influenza vaccination
Oregon CHild Absentee due to Respiratory Disease Study
How to Participate
If your child is coming down with a cold or flu CALL 608-265-3164 or Email us to see if you and your child can participate!