With 28 faculty and residents in attendance, the University of Wisconsin Department of Family Medicine and Community Health (DFMCH) had an outstanding showing at the 52nd annual spring conference of the Society for Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM), held April 27-May 1, 2019, in Toronto.

Founded in 1967, the STFM comprises nearly 5,000 medical school professors, preceptors, residency program faculty, residency program directors and others involved in family medicine education.

This year, DFMCH faculty and residents led 17 educational sessions, including seminars, workshops, roundtables, lectures, panels and posters.

Topics included community engagement; curricular tools to support health equity and maternal-child care; medical student coaching; medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder; and optimizing the role of the medical assistant.

STFM 2019 Slideshow

Above, Thomas Hahn, MD, presents his poster on how OB-Newborn TEACH Cards are used to educate residents on an inpatient maternal-child teaching service.
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Learn more about each session below:



Scholarly Topic Roundtable Presentations


Panel Discussions

Completed Research Project

Completed Scholarly Project

Developing Scholarly Project Posters

Fellows, Residents, or Students Research Works-in-Progress Posters

Next year’s STFM conference will be held May 2-6, 2020, in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Published: May 2019