Program Overview
The Enhancing Representation to Improve our Community’s Health (EnRICH) program is a mentorship program for medical students who are underrepresented in medicine (URM) and who are interested in family medicine and primary care.
The mission of EnRICH is to provide mentorship and experiences in primary care to students in order to increase the number of physicians who represent our diverse patient populations and improve the health of the community.
EnRICH is open to all levels of medical students. EnRICH students are matched with a longitudinal family medicine faculty or resident physician mentor and will have the following opportunities through the program:
- Career mentorship: Students will have one-on-one mentor meetings, be able attend workshops and networking events, and have support to attend conferences.
- Clinical experience: Students will gain family medicine clinical experience by working with their mentors in clinic.
- Community health opportunities: Students will be able to participate in local community health work.

EnRICH leadership team (L-R): Estefan Beltran, MD; Patricia Tellez-Giron, MD; Morgan White, MD; Thomas Hahn, MD; Amanda Kennan.
Contact Us
Program Leadership
Estefan Beltran, MD
Thomas Hahn, MD
Patricia Tellez-Giron, MD
Morgan White, MD
Program Coordinator
Amanda Keenan
Program Email
Please reach out to any of the above contacts if you are interested in learning more about EnRICH!