It Starts With Me: Conversations About Identity, Privilege, AND Intersectionality Lunch Series (July 2016-May 2017)

Diversity Groundwork Sessions

Series Schedule and Topics
Facilitator Biographies

Session 1: Foundations: Introductions, Definitions and History (July 7, 2016)


Slides and Discussion Questions

Session 2: Identity, Power and Oppression (September 1, 2016)


Slides and Session Materials

Session 3: Privilege and Power (November 3, 2016)


Session 4: Implicit Bias (January 5, 2017)


Session 5: Communicating about race and injustice (March 2, 2017)

It Starts with Me: Identity, Intersectionality and Privilege



  • Understand common themes and detours when talking about race and injustice
  • Learn about communication tool Affirm, Counter, Transform (ACT)
  • Apply ACT to a real-life situation

Session 6: Moving Learning to Action (May 11, 2017)


  • Prepare a “journal” entry (list, drawing, write a few sentences, and/or reflect) on the following questions:
  • In the past year, what have you learned about identity, privilege, and intersectionality?
  • How have you taken action in your life and work to further these principles?
    • What else do you need to do to stand up to injustice?
    • What resources do you need?
    • Who are you accountable to?
  • What are your goals for the following year?


  • Learn about the difference between being “non” and “anti”
  • Create an action plan that has an impact in fighting bias and oppression

Video: Are you non? Or are you anti?