The UW Addiction Consultation Provider Hotline offers on-call help to health care providers seeking support and direction in treating their patients’ substance use problems.
Madison Area Providers Call: 608-263-3260
Statewide Providers Call: 1-800-472-0111
The Hotline is available weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
When making a call please request to speak with the addiction medicine provider on-call.
All calls are returned within 15 minutes
Addiction specialists on the Hotline provide advice on the medical management of substance related issues. This service is funded in part by a grant from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services through legislation enacted as part of the HOPE Agenda.
Statement of Responsibility: Providers utilizing the consultation service are legally responsible for the treatment of their patients, and a patient-provider relationship is not established between Hotline Providers and participating provider’s patients.
Annual Report
Funding for this service was made possible by 435200-G-18-11448-285932-880 from Wisconsin Department of Health Services. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government or the State of Wisconsin.
Contact Info
Randy Brown, MD, PhD, DFASAM; Project Director
Kathleen Maher; Project Coordinator
“Thanks for all you do!”
– Rachel Hartline, MD
“I very much appreciate Dr. Brown’s prompt, helpful and professional response! A service like this is an incredible help to those of us in primary care who work with patients who have substance use disorder and often need additional information to provide evidence-based, high quality care.” – Elizabeth Lucht, LCSW, PA-C
“Thanks for providing this service – it is very helpful even for difficult cases.” – Eric Smiltneek, MD
“Very very helpful.” – Karlee LaFavor, MD
“Very kind, helpful, useful information.” – Eve Paretsky, MD
“Knowing I can always turn to the hotline has taken a massive amount of anxiety out of caring for my patients with substance use issues. In the last month alone I’ve gotten great advice on a patient with a history of complex alcohol withdrawal and learned to utilize microdose titrations of Suboxone for patients using fentanyl and high doses of methadone. Most importantly, my patients have been safer because of it.” – Evan Nolander, DO