Please check this page for more information on Substance Use Disorders Management Boot Camps in spring and fall 2025! Please contact Kathleen Maher for more information.


The PROTEA Outreach Program encompasses a diverse team of faculty and staff who specialize in addiction medicine education, training, and community advocacy. The PROTEA Outreach Program engages in the Wisconsin Idea by making addiction medicine education, research, training, and clinical services accessible for Wisconsin healthcare professionals. Additionally, the program aims to extend its purpose and vision beyond the state borders by engaging and collaborating with national organizations with shared goals.


Enhance the understanding and implementation of evidence-informed practices related to substance misuse prevention and management in primary care, hospital settings, and community programs.


Expand access to substance misuse prevention and management care for the Wisconsin community.

Education and Training Offerings

Project ECHO ACCEPT (Addiction & Co-Morbid Conditions: Enhancing Prevention & Therapeutics) is a statewide educational teleECHO initiative striving to provide education and lead collaborative discussion on patient cases related to substance related complications and medication assisted treatment to providers across Wisconsin.

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This training aims to enhance confidence and competencies related to the management of substance use disorders in general medical settings. Through case-based and interactive didactic content, the workshop will explore issues related to assessment, monitoring, prevention, and management in the setting of unhealthy substance use.

Past Projects

Project ECHO for Fostering MAT Use within Justice Populations (JCOIN ECHO) – A branch of a national study, Fostering MAT Use in Justice Populations, conducted through collaboration with, PROTEA Outreach team, University of Wisconsin’s Center for Health Enhancement Systems Studies (CHESS) – NIATx team, and George Mason University. The UW-Madison JCOIN (Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network) ECHO is focused on the provision of medications for opioid use disorder in jails and partnering community-based settings.  The intended audience includes clinicians from jails and collaborating community clinics/treatment programs and uses the ECHO model (The Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) developed at the University of New Mexico, to connect MOUD experts with medical teams from jails and community programs to promote high-quality MOUD practices. Experienced MOUD experts will address a variety of topics such as addiction as a chronic health condition, OUD treatment options, diversion protocols, linkage and continuity of care.

The study will test two evidence-based implementation practices, NIATx Coaching and ECHO, with forty-eight jails and community treatment providers to increase the use of MOUD among individuals who are justice-involved. The proposed outcomes include increasing the percent of individuals who initiate MOUD within jail and are engaged post-release, increasing the percent of clinicians prescribing MOUD, increasing the organizational readiness and sustainability for MOUD programs, and reducing recidivism. This is a 24-month study with the first 12-months being the implementation period followed by 12-months to track sustainability. The study will kick-off in November 2020, with trainings to start January of 2021.

The Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder Waiver Course covers all evidence-based practices and medications for treating patients with OUD. This training is designed for physicians, physician assistants and healthcare team members working with patients with OUD and who wish to obtain a waiver to prescribe buprenorphine in the office-based treatment of opioid use disorder.

Consultation Services


Contact Us


Kathleen Maher
Outreach Specialist
Email: Contact »

Program Office

UW Dept. of Family Medicine
610 N Whitney Way, STE 200
Madison, WI 53705-2700